{ "@context": "https://schema.org", "@type": "FAQPage", "mainEntity": { "@type": "Question", "name": "Why is it Important to Have Professional Dental Cleanings?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Dental Cleaning is a procedure done by a dentist to maintain dental hygiene with the help of a hand scaler and ultrasonic cleanser, removing excess calculus and bacterial deposits at the gum line with a high vibration frequency. The cleaning is done beyond the gum line in certain procedures like Subgingival Tooth Cleaning & Root Plaining. These are usually for advanced gum disease patients, and with the help of timely dental cleaning, one can control gum disease by eliminating tartar and bacterial deposits. Regular Dental cleaning can help you see results and stop the spread of such gum conditions." } } }

Dental Cleaning

Why is it Important to Have Professional Dental Cleanings?

For anything to look fabulous, a lot of attention and proper care has to go into it. When it comes to teeth and smiles, they are the ones who represent us like a book’s cover. Then why should people take it lightly? To continue eating your favourite dish or even flashing your beautiful smile, the health of your teeth and gums is of utmost importance. To continue a proper maintenance routine, a thorough dental check-up and regular “Dental Cleaning” at 6-monthly intervals should be a strict regimen.

First, let us learn about what dental cleaning is. 

Dental Cleaning:

Dental Cleaning is a procedure done by a dentist to maintain dental hygiene with the help of a hand scaler and ultrasonic cleanser, removing excess calculus and bacterial deposits at the gum line with a high vibration frequency.

The cleaning is done beyond the gum line in certain procedures like Subgingival Tooth Cleaning & Root Plaining. These are usually for advanced gum disease patients, and with the help of timely dental cleaning, one can control gum disease by eliminating tartar and bacterial deposits. Regular Dental cleaning can help you see results and stop the spread of such gum conditions. Let’s learn more about it.

Benefits of Dental Cleaning:

  • Guarding teeth and gums: When you get dental cleaning from time to time, it promises to keep your gums strong as toxic germs, plaque & tartar are eliminated. Problems like bleeding gums or swampy gum disease are resolved before they become serious.
  • Ending bad breath: Everyone suffering from bad breath should go for dental cleaning frequently and make it essential. It helps clean the bacteria that cause bad breath and saves you from embarrassment in public with a fresh mouth.
  • Detecting early dental problems: A proper dental cleaning twice a year may help you find any dental problems early and make the cure easy. Many underlying illnesses and diseases are more likely to be discovered when you frequently go for a dental cleaning. It is also an excellent opportunity for the dentist to see or detect fractures. Detecting these fractures sooner will be easier to treat them quickly. Generally, oral problems are not seen by the naked eye. Professional dental cleaning is required for hard-to-reach places between your teeth, and it would be helpful to target problems.
  • Reduce the risk of heart problems: The relationship between dental problems and heart issues might sound absurd, but research says that gum problems, decay, and tooth pocketing raise the risk of heart problems. Tooth infection increases the body’s CRP level, which might cause a heart attack. Hence, dental cleaning can save you from such heart disease.
  • A beautiful smile: As your teeth get free from the bacteria, they automatically shine, making you feel fresh and healthy. Dental cleaning is a fantastic way to eliminate the awkwardness you feel while smiling.

Professional dental cleaning is suggested every six months, and it is the best way to maintain your dental health and avoid infections and other dental problems. 

So if you’re considering dental cleaning, Smilecare in Bandra is the clinic. It has expert dentists who find perfect solutions for your dental problem under strict conditions. We aim to address your oral health issues through a smooth and comfortable experience.

 At Smile Care, “You Smile We Care”!