How to Recognize Gum Disease

Gum diseases are common oral health issues nowadays and can cause discomfort and severe problems. Generally, people are more focused on tooth health and sometimes or might quite a few times, tend to ignore gum health. Gum disease is like a secret agent; it suddenly attacks out of nowhere without catching your attention. Many individuals are going through major tooth loss because such small signs of gum diseases are unnoticed or are not detected when they are in the early stage.

Here are a few stages of gum disease before it becomes a major concern:

  1. Plaque: 

You might know a generally known gum disease known as gingivitis. It begins with inflammation of your gum tissue, caused by plaque formation on your teeth and gum line. It is the early stage of and one of the causes of gum disease, and it is highly advised to visit for a dental checkup. Dental treatment is simple and inexpensive, with professional tooth cleaning and later brushing, and flossing can diminish gingivitis and prevent gum disease.

    2. Periodontitis : 

It is one of the most advanced forms of gum disease. But no need to worry as it is curable. You need to follow strict action with proper gum infection treatment. Your dentist may follow professional steps like scaling and deep cleaning of surfaces of the roots and also removing germs from the gum line.

Periodontitis does not only affect your gums but also cause major issue to your bones and tissues throughout the mouth. If this has already occurred, visiting a dental professional or a periodontist is crucial, and they can help you bring your conditions to a normal level.

    3. Bleeding of Gums :

This is the top sign of gum disease. Bleeding while brushing is the first stage of gum disease, and it can be even worse when it starts bleeding while eating and might be a severe gum problem.

     4. Red & Swollen Gums :

Bacterias that cause gingivitis can also become a reason for gum inflammation. If those same inflamed gums are left untreated or unnoticed, it can create pockets around your teeth, and such periodontal pockets can lead to tooth loss, so it’s highly suggested not to ignore swollen gums. Inflamed gum can look much redder in appearance and tender in touch.

     5. Bad Breath (Halitosis)

You may not be aware that bad breath can be a sign of disease (After all, it’s not just about the garlic you ate at dinner). Even after maintaining excellent oral hygiene and still suffering bad breath, it can be a possible sign of a disease, and you should quickly go for a gum infection treatment.

     6. Sensitive Teeth 

Advanced gum disease can make your gum sensitive due to lessening gumline and uncovered roots. Eroding enamel is a severe gum problem which causes temperature sensitivity to your gums and roots.

In short, if you experience sensitivity in your teeth after intaking hot and cold food or beverages, it’s time to visit professional dentists soon.

If you’re experiencing any problems mentioned above, you need a gum disease treatment. Your teeth are the most prominent part of your body, and losing them in a short period of time is what you can’t afford. Smilecare India is one of the city’s leading dental experts; we treat your oral health problems efficiently with proper expertise and hygiene. Because at Smilecare, you smile, and we care.

  1. How do you check for gum disease?
    Symptoms of gum disease can affect various areas of the mouth. Gums may be red, swollen, tender, or bleeding. The gums may pull away from the teeth making them appear longer. Loose or sensitive teeth.

2. What is best toothpaste for gum disease?

  • Colgate Total.
  • Oral-B Gum Protection.
  • Crest Gum Detoxify and Pro-Health Advanced. …
  • Meridol.
  • Paradontax.
  • Lacalut Aktiv.
  • Zymbion Q10.

3. What mouthwash kills gum disease?

Listerine Total Care Anticavity Mouthwash. Crest Pro-Health Advanced Deep Cleaning Rinse. Scope Outlast Long Lasting Mint Mouthwash.

4. Does gargling salt water work for gum disease?

Reduces Inflammation – The warm salt water rinse is an effective way to reduce the inflammation and swelling associated with gum disease. Saltwater rinses can help with the treatment for gum disease, but it cannot fix the problems on its own.

5. Is it OK to massage your gums?

By massaging your gum line, you can help keep your gums healthy and free from disease. Massage helps to improve blood circulation in the gums, which can help them stay healthy and strong.