Signs and Symptoms of TMD You Shouldn’t Ignore

What is TMD?

TMD- Temporomandibular Disorder is a group of circumstances that affects TMJ, a joint that connects the jaw to the skull. TMJ- temporomandibular joint allows overall jaw movement such as speaking, opening and closing of mouth, chewing, and smiling. When people face issues with TMJ or surrounding muscles, it leads to TMD. 

Signs of TMD

Pain or tenderness: TMD often manifests as aching or tenderness in the jaw joint, making activities such as chewing and talking uncomfortable. This discomfort is typically centered around the temporomandibular joint.

Clicking or popping sounds: Audible indicators like clicking or popping sounds during jaw movement suggest a potential misalignment or displacement of the TMJ disc, a common characteristic associated with TMD.

Limited jaw movement: When people find it challenging to open their mouth widely or experience a sensation of their jaw “locking” in place, it could indicate underlying issues with the temporomandibular joint, which is a key aspect of TMD.

Symptoms of TMD

Facial pain: TMD can lead to sporadic or persistent pain in various facial areas, including the jaw, cheeks, temples, and ears. This pain can range from mild discomfort to more intense, impacting daily comfort.

Headaches: Chronic headaches, especially in the temple region, may be associated with TMD. The connection lies in the interplay between jaw joint issues and the onset of headaches.

Neck and shoulder pain: Discomfort originating from TMD can extend beyond the jaw area, affecting the neck and shoulders. This interconnected pain highlights the holistic impact of TMD on upper body well-being.

TMD causes

Bruxism (Teeth Grinding): The habitual grinding or clenching of teeth, known as bruxism, can exert excessive pressure on the jaw muscles and joints, resulting in the development of TMD.

Trauma or Injury: TMD can occur due to direct trauma to the jaw or temporomandibular joint, along with injuries to the head and neck. The physical impact causes the onset of temporomandibular disorders.

Arthritis: Temporomandibular joint symptoms associated with TMD may arise from inflammatory joint conditions like arthritis. This emphasises the systemic nature of joint disorders impacting oral health.

Stress: Chronic stress can manifest in jaw clenching, a behaviour linked to TMD development. Recognising the connection between emotional well-being and oral health is crucial in understanding and managing TMD.


Uncovering Temporomandibular Disorder (TMD) signifies a close link between oral health and overall well-being. TMD is a holistic experience with signs like jaw tenderness and symptoms such as facial pain and headaches.

Understanding its causes such as bruxism, trauma, arthritis, or stress, is essential. This knowledge empowers us to effectively safeguard our smiles. Early detection and seeking professional guidance are crucial steps in this process.

Your well-being, reflected in your smile, deserves the careful attention and care that understanding and addressing TMD can offer.

If you are facing any of the above symptoms, it’s high time to get yourself tested with Smile Care India: We care for you. 

Keep Smiling!